Half a year later

I honestly don’t even know where to begin. My last post was in December of 2014, and it’s now July 2015. That’s WAY to long to go without posting. So today, I start again.

But where to start? Do I make a post about Jack, Lane, Tough Mudder, my new tattoo, the basement, work, beer, the gym, or somewhere else? Too much has happened over the past 7 months to capture it all. There’s just no way to get it all into a post, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten more things than I’d ever be able to share here.

So now that I’ve wasted the first two paragraphs talking about how much I haven’t talked about in the past year I’m just gonna get right down to things.

Jack is about to be 9 months old. We love this guy! He’s got so much personality and is such a Turner that it hurts some times. He’s not quite rolling over consistently yet, but he’s certainly done it a few times. He is on baby food, eats everything, and is growing like crazy. Right now he’s teething and about to cut his 8th… or 9th tooth. We’ve lost count as it happens so rapidly. The other week he started saying “dadadada” and then “mamamamama”. So talking isn’t far off. We’ve got a walker that he really enjoys being in because he’s mobile. I have a feeling this kid will be walking before he can craw, which is something he’s not really been keen on as of yet. So, this is a far cry from the last time I posted about Jack. He still frustrates the hell out of us, but I don’t know of any 9 month old that is just always the perfect baby. Oh, and he’s trending about 8-9 months ahead of his age as far as clothing, so that’s always fun.

OCR (Obstacle Course Races):

Watch these. That’ll pretty much sum things up. Jess and I have done both a Tough Mudder and Warrior Dash this year. I have 2 Spartan races coming up in the fall and can’t wait!

Work is work. I’ve been working on the same project for the better part of 2 years now. The good thing is, its not something that has either a budget or end date. I can always add more features and functionality and as long as our sales team sells it, I’ll be in demand!

The house:
I don’t know what I have / haven’t posted about in regards to what’s been done around the house. We’ve done more landscaping in the back yard, had some more trees cut down, painted some rooms, re-arranged furniture, contemplated finishing things, started new things and generally been home owners who own a home that always have something to do. Also, it seems that no matter how much water I put on the grass it doesn’t want to turn into a golf course.

Jack and LaneLane:
Where to even begin with this kid?! He’s grown so much in the past year that it’s hard to capture it all even if I posted every day. There’s nothing this kid can’t do, especially if you ask him. As a general rule he really can do most things, and even things he can’t he’ll give it a try. This kid surprises me all the time. He wanted some yogurt out of the fridge the other day, so he found a stool, took it into the kitchen, climbed to the top shelf of the fridge and got it. He only likes to ask for help, so you can watch him do something on his own. He loves his family, gets frustrated and communicates why, tells jokes, remembers things that both Jess and I have long since forgotten, is able to follow even the most complex of directions. I want to freeze time so I can keep him at this age forever, but I am also excited to see what’s next in his big little world.

It seems that these days its becoming more and more difficult to make time to hang out with my friends. We’ve all got kids now and syncing up schedules and such is always such a chore. On the off chance that we do get to hang out, its a great time. I love my friends and have some really great people in my life.

Speaking of great people in my life…. This woman. She’s my best friend. My companion. My wife. My everything. There are days when she frustrates me, days when I frustrate her, but at the end of EVERY day there is such a deep love and respect that I can’t imagine any other life. She has grown so much as a mother, teacher, and person in the past year and I am just so proud of all the things she has accomplished. There really is a never ending list of ways I love her.

The gym:
First off, I still HATE pull-ups. I have continued to get stronger, faster, better, and more well rounded in the gym. But my hands and my grip are still weak and no matter what I do, I will most likely rip. I did the Memorial Day Murph, which has 100 pull-ups and despite finishing I did some serious damage to my hands. Despite my pull-ups not getting much better, I’ve increased the weight that I can lift via deadlift, clean, jerk, push press, drastically. But with that being said this past week I discovered that we all have bad days and my bad day was an abysmal performance while trying to do a bench press. In my attempt to simply do the same weight/reps I’ve done before I failed. A lot. This left me with a sour taste in my mouth, but at the same time, it gave me a drive to get back in the gym and work on my weakness and turn it around.

Varicose veins:
I had them, not so much any more. Many, many, many years in the making and I have finally gotten ride of the veins that were so unsightly in my legs. I’m only about a week out from my final procedure, but I can tell that things are improving. In about 5 more weeks all the swelling should be down and I’ll have some silky smooth legs! Well, maybe not that much, but they’ll be tenfold better than they were.

Chase, Jack, JessChase:
We have a teenager. And a teenager he certainly is. One minute he’s dancing and singing in the kitchen with us, the next he’s completely shut him self into his room and won’t join us for anything. He has some massive mood swings and they come out of nowhere. With that being said, he’s still a really good kid. There are other teens out there that are just unbearable, but not Chase. He has all the signs of being a teen, and just like with our other two kids, eventually he’ll grow out of that phase and move on to the next one. Hopefully the football he’s signed up for that starts in the fall will help him with that.

All the rest:
Like I mentioned earlier, I can’t begin to cover everything. My goal is to keep posting and try to capture as much of the day-to-day as I can. Pics, videos, Tweets, etc., I’d like to get it all, or at the very least a majority of it.

Time’s a changing!

And so is the bloggins. For the past several years, SniperBear.net has been dedicated to the life and times of Jess and I, and our growing family. Posts would range from new additions to the family to vacations to struggles with putting together furniture and even CrossFit. However, now that our family is complete it’s time to move things over to a new blog. So with that, I will now be posting over at Turner5.us. I feel the new blog, at least in name, represents the family as a whole now. Where as before, with SniperBear it was more of the beginning and middle of Jess’ and I’s journey as we started a family. I consider it the prologue to the full story. At Turner5.us, it’ll mostly be the same format, but hopefully posts will come in more frequently. I want to really capture the life of my family. Life isn’t all rainbows and kitten and uni-horses, there are struggles and aches and days when things are stains. But for every bad day there are countless good ones. Long nights lead to longer days, or maybe they don’t.

So that’s that. I may come back here and post from time to time, but my focus will be over at the new site. I’ll still post about CrossFit and end up making posts will a few manhattan’s into the evening, but that’s all part of being a dad to 3 wonderful boys and a husband to an amazing wife.

Thanks for sticking with us for the past 4+ years!

“Labor” day 2K14

This weekend was one for the books. Well, around these parts, virtually every weekend is for the books. But still, it really was a great weekend around the Turner household.

While our friends were off galavanting around town for Dragon*Con Jess and I were busy getting things ready for the baby shower. We really just kinda tackled some long over due projects and got stuff done. In fact, I was able to unload my gym equipment and further get the basement ready for finishing. It still has light years to go, but it certainly is well on its way.

We did manage to get some book cases and shelves painted and ready for Jack’s room. I have to say that the nursery is coming along nicely. We’ve only got about 10 weeks left, but we are about as prepared as possible.

So that was pretty much it. Really a GSDW (get shit done weekend) around the house. Lane was a fantastic listener and when Chase got home he was all about playtime with his older brother.

I really appreciate these sort of weekends where we are able to get a ton of stuff done in a short amount of time. It felt like only yesterday that I was driving home from work trying to avoid all the craziness downtown. I’m glad we got a bunch of stuff done and really am ready for Jack. It’s going to be a fast 9 weeks, that’s for sure.

This kid…

Some kids go to sleep with a blankie or a stuffed animal. And though Lane has both of those, tonight he chose to go to bed with a book in his arms. Why? Cause on the cover is a silver sticker of a guy with glasses and a beard. Lane thinks it’s “daddy” so he wanted to sleep with the book tonight. My heart grew tenfold. This kid never ceases to amaze me.

That’s just a small indicator of how today has gone. And we needed a day like today. This past weekend was hellacious. For what ever reason, Jess and I’s patience had just run out. Lane wouldn’t listen, he was an utter terror and we just we not the best mommy and daddy. He was frustrated and so were we. It really was just a matter of being frustrated and most likely tiredness catching up. So we went into Monday needing a break from Lane as much as he needed a break from us.

To our surprise, Monday went really well. Lane seemed eager to go to school and all was right a home. Tuesday (today) was even better! This morning went off with out a hitch, both Jess and I were very productive in our respective jobs, Jess had a great check-up at the doctor (only 10 more weeks until baby Jack!!), Chase came home in a great mood and did really well at baseball practice and Lane was suuuuper sweet. He even managed to have a picnic at the ball field with mommy and I while Chase did his baseball. It was such a treat to have us all together rather than divided up. I think doing so brought us closer together. Yeah we need our breaks, but they make the time together even better.

So that’s where we are at today! Lane went to bed with no problems and actually wanted to stay in bed. He has his daddy book and all is right in his world. That makes for a happy mommy, daddy and Chase. Our family is growing in more ways than one, every day and I’m in love with it. <

The new routine

Over the past week Jess and I have been consistent with our routine, discipline, encouragement, and interactions with Lane. It took some getting use to on all of our parts, but things are finally starting to click. No longer is there kicking and screaming when going to bed. He doesn’t fight the sheer mention of going in bed. It’s still not perfect, and he still comes and gets in our bed at random hours of the night, but it’s light years ahead of what it was a week ago.

In addition to the nights getting easier, Lane’s mood in general this weekend has improved. Certainly he still has outbursts of either yelling or crying, but they seem to be getting fewer and fewer. I’ve also implemented a new timer system. Basically when I need him to do something I give him a heads up and we set a timer for when he needs to do that thing. For example, if I want him to go to bed at 8, we’ll set a timer for 10 minutes at 7:50. If I need him to wait 3 minutes for his oatmeal to cool down, a timer is set. He gets to push the start button and I tell him when he hears the timer go off it’s time to do X. So far it’s working great. He has actually requested the timer a few times. In the past time was an arbitrary number for him. Waiting 3 mins on his oatmeal was forever. Going to bed in 10 minutes might as well have been 2. Now he knows that I don’t mean right now, but in the future. And that yes, his oatmeal will be ready for him. It’s a great tool that seems to be working for now. And at this point, I’ll take it.

So things are looking up. We are making progress and every day is a new victory. This weekend was fantastic for many reasons. Went to White Water and to see our friends new baby. The house is clean and we’re all caught up on general chores. Should make for an easy start to next week. Chase went for his baseball skills assessment and was looking great on the field. Should be an exciting season. I’m looking forward to watching him play some fall ball. I’m also generally looking forward to some fall anything.

Stay tuned for more updates on this ever growing family! Jess is rocking the baby bump and I can’t wait to meet baby Jack in just over 2 months!


The night time struggles continue

Last week I posted about the new night terrors. Well, things haven’t gotten much better. At first we tried forcing him to stay in the bed and we just dealt with the tantrums and crying. Now, we’ve resorted to sitting in the room with him again. Initially we didn’t want to do this as we figured it would lead to a dependency on us always being in there when he went to bed. On top of that, when we did stay in there it felt like an eternity. Of course this was back when he first transitioned into the toddler bed. Now that he’s gotten in his twin bed, the sitting doesn’t seem to last as long.

That’s not to say that night time isn’t a struggle, however. We have a routine that we are in each night that consists of washing his feet so we can apply the prescription medicine we have for the rash on his feet. Usually one of us will read a book while the other is applying the meds and some vaseline and then socks. For a few days this worked great and after the story, one of us would sit in the room with him and he’d be out in a matter of minutes. Now it seems that he is no longer content with going to bed…ever. Regardless of who is sitting in there, he wants to get up. Tonight it was “I need to poop.” I gave in and took him to the bathroom twice. It was at that point when I reached my niceness threshold and Jess jumped in. He did the whole tantrum thing, but eventually she was able to calm him down to the point where he would get back in bed. Tonight’s technique was to let him listen to some music while going to sleep. After the first attempt, I’m already sold! The kid was out! But then again it could have just been that he was tired. Here have a listen and let me know if this puts you right to sleep.

Still with me?! Good. Well this is what we’re going with for now. Maybe we’ll invest in a new sound machine or player of some sort. I’ll have to find out what they do at school to get him to sleep. After all, they have bears with glowing eyes that they are hunting, and he still manages to get a good nap.

Oh, and the rash on his feet… don’t get me started. It’s just nasty and I wouldn’t want that on my feet. Hopefully it’ll continue to clear up and we can nix the whole feet washing medicine portion of the night time fun.

The new night terrors

When Lane was younger, from about 6 months to around 2, he would have night terrors. I remember them vividly as they were to Jess and I about as terrifying as what ever dream or terror Lane had going on in his mind. They sucked. Real bad. Eventually he grew out of them and he hadn’t had one in about 6-8 months! That’s fantastic! However, we now have a new nighttime demon to battle. Sleep itself.

Ever since we got back from PCB we have not allowed Lane to have his pacifier. That thing was nasty and old and was hindering his breathing at night. It was just all around a bad thing. So we ‘gave it to the baby fish’ since Lane was now a big boy! For the most part he did fairly well without it. After all, he didn’t have it when he napped at school. So it only made sense to not have it at bedtime.

Well during this transition out of the paci, we also moved him up to his big big boy bed. He went from a toddler size bed to a twin bed. The thing is monstrous compared to his old bed. And it’s actually really comfortable! I slept in it for about 2 hours last night. So, I don’t know if it’s the bed or the darkness or what, but Lane refuses to go to bed in there now. Like he will scream at the top of his lungs and pitch the biggest tantrum ever, just to not be left in there alone.

Perhaps we moved him up too soon or maybe it’s something else. Either way, the past 1.5 weeks have been a nightmare when it comes to bed time. It’s a fight every singe night and a struggle I, nor Jess look forward to. It will get better and he will grow and learn to go to bed with out having a fit. But for now it’s a HUGE pain and one that I am eagerly ready to relieve soon.

Oh and to make matters worse, he has some sort of poison ivy or something on his feet that’s driving him nuts. Just another log on the fire. Again, it will heal and things will get better, just sucks when you’re in the thick of it. 20140729-222142-80502815.jpg

Oh, and the red glowy thing is a football light. It’s crazy how despite the night vision camera, that still glows red.

Patio furniture can kiss my ass

Ok, so let me start off with a few words of advice. Um… First off don’t try to put together patio furniture and finish a bottle of tequila. It will never end well. Secondly don’t try to make a post on your phone ith not 2% battery. That is unless you have your a charger and some autocorrect.
So here’s wheat happened. Basically, we got home from work toda y and Iade some nachos. Thera weren’t your standard nachos, but paleo nachos. By that I mean, no cheese, no beans and some sweet potato chips for the chips. I used butternut squadron as the refrained beans and it has chicken and taco meat. That was pretty much it except for the rotelle and jalepenos and hot sauce. After the nachos I found out that Jess had pink eye. I had to find out from her what all that entailed because I have never had that. It doesn’t sound lie the most awesome thing to ever have. So hopeful she doesn’t have it too bad. Like at all would be clutch.
Second up. Was the patio furniture. Basically we bought a table and some chairs and it came in the other day. The first 7 or 12 chairs went pretty well but then there was one brat was a pain in my ass! I mean like literally, I worked on it for like 10 days!! Eventually u got it done and we are now ready to rick the block with this patios shiz!
Anywhoots, I just wanted to make apost about how today is the day that we got our back porch from zero to A. I’ll post some pics when I can find the time… aka will.

On that note, deuces!! Happy Columbus, aka typical white guy, day!!

Landscapestravaganza part 1!

This weekend I kicked off the whirlwind of landscaping thats about to take place in our back yard, by clearing some of the trees and such. I figured I might as well make a video out of it. This is the first of several more to come! We have big plans that include grass, an area for a fire pit, a retaining wall, some stone steps, and potentially a treehouse for the boys. Well, that last one might be a bit further down the road, but you never know.

I wouldn’t consider it a “lot” work, but then again I tend to over exert myself when doing any yard type activities. Any way, this is the first of many videos to come. We’re having some of the bigger trees removed and I plan on getting that made into something as well.

Enjoy and look for more posts about the progress!

Laundry room remodel

Jess and I finally got around to re-doing the laundry room. I say that like we’ve been in this house for ages and the room has been the bane of our existence. Well, the truth is, we’ve only been there for a few months and though the wallpaper was hideous, it really wasn’t like walking into Disaster DIY with Bryan Baeumler.

The project took us a week or so longer than it probably should have, but we eventually got it done. I mean, it’s not like you can just start something like this and finish in a single day, or even a weekend when you have a 1yr old. The end result was a much more inviting space that was bright and cheerful! I love the way the colors turned out. We painted all the walls, Jess made a new curtain, we painted the counter top, and even put a stencil on the wall.

Here’s the progress pics:
[nggallery id=1]

And if the pics weren’t enough…. I decided to time lapse the whole thing. 

I’d say this project was a total success. Can’t wait to start in on another project. Oh wait, we already have. Pics and a post coming soon!