Some times you’re in the weeds

And other times you are in some pristine field with a perfectly manicured lawn and the fresh smell of daisies wisps into your nostrils. But like I said some times its the smell of a poopy diaper and none of your kids will talk to you. Never mind that one of them is 9 months and physically can’t talk, this is the time when things just suck.

For example, that first week of school, things just suck. Unless you are a 3.5 year old and LOVE the hell out of school, want to bring all your friends donuts on the first day, and talk about school all the time, the first week most likely sucks. Why is this the case? Really it comes down to a change of pace. Like all summer things were going good. We finally figured out the timing and schedules of our kids. We had their eating patterns down and figured out how to manipulate the 13 year old to come out of his room and say more than 3 words. However, now all hell has broken lose and we have now idea of what to do.

Day one seems to go great, two-thirds of the kids come home in a decent mood. Its not really a matter of two out of the three kids, but each kid is 2/3 happy… more of less. We really have no idea of what to have for dinner, there’s football practice to contend with, it’s 4 trillion degrees outside and really all daddy wants is a glass of Jack Daniels. But we held strong and had the food that we bought, stay steady, get the kids in bed at some point and prepare for day two.

The second day is just kinda going through the motions. Somehow we’re already on auto pilot and at the same time trying to figure things out. The kids come home, one of them won’t talk to us, the other goes straight to bed, and the third is bouncing off the walls. JD anyone?? Nope, stick with it. Cook that food we bought, kill a few beers from the fridge and just keep on keeping on.

Day three and four are kinda the same except for the fact that all we want to do is not dirty up another dish and to just get the hell out of the house. Again the best plan of attack proves to be simply staying in and cooking the food we had. By now we’ve figured out what to do with the two kids that don’t have football practice and despite the 9:something bedtime for the 3yr old the night seems to go rather well.

So unlike the beginning of the weeks, where it was nothing but weeds, we made it to the field of green grass. Friday came, I got my mom to come watch the kiddos so Jess and I could have a meal that we didn’t have to prepare and could actually enjoy. It didn’t really matter what we had as long as we could enjoy it in the peace and quite of a noisy restaurant.

That’s how things go. Some times it sucks balls… though now that I think about it. Any way, it can always take a turn. No matter where you are at any point it can get better or worse. And on top of that its all about perspective. I “complain” about dealing with the kids and football and dinner and no bourbon, while others have much less than I. Other people would love to be in this position. And there are other’s out there that complain that their nanny was late and now they can’t go to the first session of hot yoga and will have to reschedule their $60 manicure. Each family is different and no matter what the case may be, I would never want anything other than the one I have. I love my boys and my wife. We have our ups and downs, but that’s what makes us a family. We all go through this together. Some days we can’t get the teenager to stop talking while other days I’m not even sure he’s home. The 3yr old will pretty much always be running somewhere and doing ninja slices but on occasion he’ll be running to just give us a kiss. The youngest can’t even crawl yet despite being 9 months old, but you know what, he’s also got a head full of teeth and is like 4 days long! Tomorrow that little guy will blow my mind with how big he’s gotten.

I love all of it. The weeds, the grass, the rocks and sticks, the leaves, the sun, rain, clouds, sky, sunset, and everything in between. Those were all metaphors for life at home in general. But I do actually love all those things too, but also metaphors people. Stay with me.

Until next week, I’ll leave you with this. The hardest rocker to Mickey Mouse ever. EVER. Period.