16 Weeks

Some days I feel like I am so far along, and things are progressing normally…other days I feel like time is standing still. Most of that comes from the fact that I’m not a very patient person. Over all I am feeling better though. Physically I am able to function and leave the house and get dress daily so that’s an improvement. Emotionally I’ve been a bit of a roller coaster these past few days. It’s an odd feeling being pregnant, again. Even though I’ve had Chase for 9 years now, being pregnant brings a feeling that my body is no longer mine. It’s hard to explain. I have a checkup this Friday and I never really know what to expect with this doctor. I always go in expecting to check on things with the baby, but end up just checking on things with me instead. That makes sense though. I am the incubator after all. 🙂 I am hoping to hear that things are looking great at the doctor and really hope we can find out the gender next weekend. In the meantime, a few short term goals: go to bed (it’s currently 5am and I’ve been up since 3am), enjoy the upcoming weekend (my birthday!) with my amazing family and friends, and STOP being so hard on myself. I’m really noticing that I am harder on myself than anyone has ever been, than is even remotely necessary. Hopefully I can get some sleep…I’ve got a classroom to work in today. School starts in less than two weeks!