What are YOU thankful for??



Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so what better time to tell you how THANKful I am to have you in my life. Thank you for loving me. For buying me flowers. For making me breakfast in bed. For running with me (and always stopping when I need to stop even though you don’t need to). For saying “Good Morning Sunshine” every.single.morning. For paying attention to small details. For adjusting to life with a 7 year old. For your surprises. For ALWAYS asking how my day is and actually caring about the details of it. For still opening the car door for me. For taking me on dates. For planning things and being patient when I want to be spontaneous. For listening to me mention that I want to try a dark chocolate Reese cup and showing up with one the next time you walk out of a store. For making me laugh until I can’t breath. For never letting me go to bed angry. For singing in the car with me. For letting me love you, for making me happy, and for so much more. 🙂

I can’t wait to spend our first holidays together. <3

I love you,


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