Happy Halloween SniperFans! And for us…it was our first! 🙂 We had Chase for the weekend, and we spent it in Dunwoody with some of SniperBen’s family. It was a rainy weekend, so we skipped on trick or treating and went to a festival at Dylan’s (SB’s nephew) school. My little vampire ran around and had a blast, and I got to meet SB’s brother and sister! After the games, we had a dinner at a place that SB and I went to a long time ago and had some fantastic bbq. After putting the little blood sucker to bed, we watched none other than…Halloween! We’ve made it to Halloween H20 and it was the perfect Halloween night movie! It was a fantastic first Halloween. I’m going to miss the Spookytown decor around the apartment (pics coming soon!)…but Thanksgiving and Christmas are on the way! Lots more firsts on the way for the snipers. 🙂
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