Meals Day 1 – 8/19/13
- Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, 2 sausage patties & mushrooms, unsweet ice’d tea.
- Lunch: Broiled chicken thigh, roasted acorn squash, grilled peaches, unsweet ice’d tea
- Dinner: Chicken, sausage, celery, peppers, onions, tomato “stoupt” with fried egg, water
- Snack: Hard boiled egg, summer sausage
Meals Day 2 – 8/20/13
- Breakfast: Banana, unsweet ice’d tea
- *Lunch: Sweet potato hash, 2 egg omelette, 4 strips of bacon, coffee with coconut creamer
* This was actually eaten at like 11 and was supposed to be my breakfast. My schedule was thrown off this day. - Dinner: Meatloaf, sweet potatoes, sautéed okra, unsweet ice’d tea
- Snack: Apple with almond butter
Meals Day 3 – 8/21/13
- Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs, roasted poblano sausage, unsweet ice’d tea
- Lunch: Bison pattie, avocado, bacon, side of tomatoes and asparagus, unsweet ce’d tea
- Dinner: 2x Grilled chicken breast from Chick-fil-a, avocado, water
- Snacks: Banana, almond butter, almond milk, coconut milk – smoothie, Larabar
The breakdown
All in all I’ve felt pretty good. Well, during the day I feel good, but once night rolls around I’ve been starting to get cranky. Lack of food, crazy kids, being tired… who knows. Either way, nights have been the hardest.
Monday started off well and I didn’t really notice any adverse affects. Since Jess and I had ramped up into this thing it wasn’t like jumping off a cliff. We pretty much went about our normal routines and ate what we had been for the previous week. Again, the grumpiness set in fairly hard at night around dinner time. We went into dinner thinking we were going to make some sort of gumbo, but instead ended up with this sausage, chicken, onion, pepper soup kinda deal. It needed something extra, so Jess fried up an egg and threw on top. That’s the beauty of this detox, when in doubt, put an egg on it!
Tuesday morning I had my first workout since starting this thing. I couldn’t do my usual pre-workout (C4 and a piece of peanut butter toast… on second thought I SHOULDN’T do that usual pre-workout), so I just went with a banana. This proved to be not nearly enough as I was running on fumes by the time I got home. I hadn’t fully thought things through and so I had to try to figure out what to eat/fix while also being dizzy and light headed. Not a fantastic combo. Typically that leads to impulse eating which would consist of cheese, bread or some sort, cereal, and generally not things I should use to re-fuel after a strenuous workout. This time however, I stayed strong and didn’t blow my whole day on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The rest of the day I was kinda in a daze as I wasn’t sure if I was hungry or just out of energy from the workout.
Our gym had graciously signed us up for a visit from the Dunk Truck on Tuesday afternoon and I was really eager to see what my numbers were. When the data came in, I was right at where I thought I was. Well, maybe a tad higher on my body fat than I thought, but still in the general area. The good news, I don’t have much to lose to be at my target weight/BMI. Hopefully by the end of this 30 day program I’ll be there!
Dinner on night two was much better than night one. I made a paleo meatloaf that was better than most non-paleo meatloafs I’ve had! Served that with a side of sautéed okra and roasted sweet potatoes and I actually felt like I was eating a real meal that I would cook on a non-Whole30 day!
Wednesday was the dreaded day 3. The day when most of the toxins are out of the body and you start to really adjust. I guess that’s what happens. It really just felt like I wanted to murder some pandas and then eat a plate of nachos. I was ready to throw in the towel, or at least eat the towel, cause it had to taste better than what I had eaten for the past few days, right?! Fortunately, I stuck to it and pressed on through. Wednesday night rolled around and things just went to the shitter. Lane was a hot mess and everything made him whine or angry or yell or what ever it is he’s doing these days. Jess was at the gym so it was just Chase, he, and I at the house. I made some taco meat for taco salads, but the more I smelled it the less I wanted it. I mean, the last thing I wanted was plate of lettuce with some gross ass taco meat and nothing else. I knew that it would be even more off-putting for Jess. Have you ever gone to the gym, given everything you had, then come home and and wanted to nom on some lettuce and now old taco meat.
Our “solution” for dinner was for me to go to Chick-fil-a and order 4 grilled chicken breasts. Yep, that’s it. I went into a CFA and got 4 grilled chicken breasts (and a #1 for Chase). Ugh, this was a feeling of total defeat. The drive home was infuriating with the smell of delicious french fries getting into every crevasse of my car. For dinner we ended up splitting an avocado and eating with with our dry ass CFA chicken. I wanted to slit my wrists.
We thought the night had given us its worst, but Lane proved otherwise. Around 9:30 he started in on a night terror. It was a long time coming since he hadn’t had one in a while. He had also been getting less and less sleep and had been over stimulated for the past few days. I kinda figured it would happen, but it would be nice to have had it on ANY other day. This night terror was especially bad and lasted for at least 30 mins. We had gotten a handle on them and they were only lasting 10-15 mins. In the end, he calmed down and we got him back to sleep. I believe he actually slept better last night than he had in weeks.
So that was that. The first three days of the Whole30 in the bag. We got a point for the chicken breasts from CFA due to the seasoning they put on it, and the fact that it was a fast food option rather than eating something healthy. Now that we’re through the third day we have a good few days of easier battles. I think most of the bad stuff is out of our system so here’s hoping it all goes well.
Oh, and there’s a wedding this weekend where I already know we will be racking up some points. Stay tuned for the next update!